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Biology Report " Anatomy of Vertebrata "

Biology Report " Anatomy of Vertebrata " 


A.    Background
As has been described in several books, phylum cordata divided into 4 sub-phyla, the sub-phylum of vertebrates are animals make a group having chordate brain, is relatively large, protected by the bones of the skull (Cranium oss). Booster body is composed of the axis segments of the spine (vertebral column). Body is generally divided into the head (cephal), neck (cervix), body (truncus) and tail (cauda). Animal body consists of various organs of the body. Organs that work together in implementing a higher functioning form organ systems. Observation of an animal needed surgery to facilitate observing the shape, position and relationship with other people.
The green frog that can be explained here is about the transportation system (blood circulation), digestive system, respiratory system, excretion and reproduction. Frog circulatory instrument consists of the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins. Frog heart has three rooms of one ventricle and two serambu (atrial) left and right.
Next on the digestive system, respiratory system, and reproductive excression  have certain parts and will be explained in the discussion.
Hopefully with some explanations above, practical can know about the organ system. In vertebrates, represented frog anatomy, and knowledge of it will be more increasing by the lab.
On this lab we will observe the anatomy of the body composition of rice frogs (Rana cancarivora).
Anatomy of a frog could provide a general picture of the major organs in vertebrates. We can observe the outside of said body, digestive system, transportation system, respiratory system and the system urogenitalia.

B.     Purpose
After doing this activity university students are expected to recognize shapes, colors and location of organs, and its relationship with other people on the organ system.
C.    Benefit
Students become more understanding and learn shapes, colors, and location of organs, and its relationship to other organs in an organ system.


In animals made up of various organs. The organs that work in carrying out the higher functions forming organs. In this report will be explained in advance of vertebrate animals, especially frogs (shutter cancarnivora). Vertebrate animals is a class of vertebrate animals, is the development of karadorsalis or nocochord. In the animal classification vertebratamerupakan subfilum chordates. Chordates phylum can be divided into hemichordatea, urochordata, and chepalochordata (Rudiopetro, 1991).
Having a spine that is development from utochord. The characteristics of vertebrate animals (Tim Pengajar,2010):
a. Notochord only during embryonic.
b. Simtris bilateral body form.
c. Having the skull bones (eranium) that serves to protect the brain.
d.  Having skin consisting of epidermis (luara layer) and dermis (inner layer). in vertebrates that live on land, the dry outer skin and generally developing the structure. Structures such as feather keratin, hair and scales.
e. Having a framework in or hekton which generally consists of hard bone and cartilage. In order that the muscles attached to the framework that was useful for tool motion.
f. Having chailon (ronggan entity in which there are digestive organs, heart, respiratory and others).
g. Mmpunyai respiratory organs that have been perfect.
h. Have a circulatory system with a heart that has tertitp well developed, which consists of four rooms, and there are also systems pmbuluh spleen.
i.   Having excretion tool consisting of a pair of kidneys.
j.   Having a respirator that is the lung.
k. Reproductive system have the right and left pairs. Where is the male sex gland that is the tester, resulting sepermatozoa. And whereas in females the ovaries that produce ova.
l.   Having enodokrin system that produces hormones and enlargement in regulating metabolism, growth and kefaalan processes in the body.
m. Having a nervous system consisting of central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal marrow and nervous system or feriver edge consisting of 10-12 pairs of fibers of the brain and 31 pairs of nerve fibers exit the spinal marrow
But we need to discuss more about the animal vrtebrata lanjutlagi are amphibious, which means animals that can live on two places, namely the water and land.
     The characteristics of amphibious animals, among others (Jasin,1992):
1. Experiencing metamorphosis (changing shape) with stage larvae live in water.
2. Leather is always alkaline and berkelenjar (which flowed masi or near water) and scaly outside.
3. Having two pairs of legs to walk or swim, fingers 4-5 or less, not scales.
4. There are two external nostril that connects with the cavum oris. Her body was found or reject water valve when in the water, eyes valvate, hearing the drum sheet located above the jaw, also on the has saliva.
5. Breathing with lungs and the skin if it is grown, but the larval breathing with gills.
6.  Cold blooded / poikilaterm the body temperature is affected by ambient temperature.
7. Experiencing perrubahan skin color.
8. Fertilization occurs within or outside the outside the body.
The heart consists of the atrium and one vertical. "Amphibious merupan the lowest terrestrial vertebrates' transition of water and land looked at:
a. Classification for walking on land, in addition to still have the ability to swim in water.
b. The growth of several pairs of legs instead of fins.
c. Replacement gills with lungs.
d. Changing the face skin temperature, allowing the air atmosphere.
e. Sensory tool has the ability to do so.
Class amphibious can be divided into (Anonim,2010):
1.  Order Anura. For example shutter cancarnivora. These animals will be discussed further.
2.  Order ucodella (caudate)
Example: salamanders
The characteristics have the tail and feet.
3.  Order Apoda
     Example: worm salamander
The characteristics do not have legs


A.    Place and Date
The experiment was done at:
Day and Date  : Friday, December 10th 2010
Time                :16.00 – 17.30 pm
Place                : Laboratory of Biology, Mathematic and Science Faculty,   Makassar State University at 2nd east floor part.
B.     Tools and Materials
1.      Tools
a.       Bottle killers
b.      Foot surgery
c.       Surgical instruments, consisting of:
1)      Scissors
2)      Straws limon
3)      a pair of tweezers
4)      Needles
5)      Scalpel
2.      Materials
a. Rice frog (Rana cancarivora)
b. Cotton
c. Klorofor / ether (tranquilizer)
C.    Work Procedure
1.      Observations outside
a.       Kill frog
Took a wad of cotton (for a segment master finger), wet with ether / chloroform, and entered into the bottle killer, also immediately put a frog into the bottle, cap tightly. let the frog to death.
b.      Removed the frogs had not moved and placed above the foot surgery. leaved the cotton in the bottle and cap tightly (harmful fumes).
c.       Observe the outside of the frog
1)      eyes, eyelids and the membranes sleep
2)      outer nostrils
3)      tympanum (i), membrane listener.
4)      crack mouth
5)      front legs:
ü  upper arm (branchium)
ü  forearm (ante branchium)
ü  palm (manus)
ü  the fingers (digiti) what?
6)      Rear leg:
ü  thigh (femur)
ü  calf (crus)
ü  soles united (pes)
ü  webbed fingers swimming
7)      cloaca (specify location)
8)      around the surface of the skin and note the color
d.      Draw from the back and name the parts mentioned above (Figure 1)
2.      Surgery
a.       Put the frog on its back above the foot surgery. pakukan four legs with a needle on the wax, so not easily shake.
b.      With tweezers, pins longitudinal abdominal skin near the thighs, lift a bit, cut across the skin under a pair of tweezers, so that cracks formed on the skin of the abdomen.
c.       Through the skin, insert the blunt tip scissors and cut the skin at the side head scissors fell. turned into this gap, a pair of scissors into the base of both thighs.
d.      Leather scissors to the left and right side, so that the skin can be exposed belly. check the attachment of the skin on the muscle tissue. only on certain place is attached to the muscle, forming a kind of pouch (saccus).
e.       Note also the center of the abdominal muscles. tampag longitudinal white lines along the abdominal muscles (called the linea alba).
f.       Pins tweezers abdominal muscles in addition to the linea alba, and transverse blunt scissors, forming a gap. enter a blunt tip scissors into the abdominal muscle gap and start cutting into the head to below the jaw. continue cutting until the groin.
g.      Uncover the stomach tissue to the left and right side so that the open abdominal cavity and looked jeroam.
1.      Observation of the digestive system
a.       Slit open mouth with scalpel and tweezers, so that the open mouth. observe the shape of teeth, touched with a finger on the upper jaw teeth and teeth vomer on the ceiling.
b.      With tweezers pull the tongue out, observe the shape and perlengketannya (note).
c.       Continued observation of the abdominal cavity contains jeroam.
observe the shape and color:

ü  Caution before; ah right, how many lobes; search gallbladder, how the color.
ü  On the left-side heart; lift a little to look duodenum and pancreas
runut kept small intestine until thick intestine.
meeting notice.
ü  Rectum which turned into cloaca
2.      Observation of the circulatory system
a.       The head of the liver, appeared in the membranes of heart.
b.      Puncture the membrane covering the heart with a needle or scalpel to split end, observe shapes and sections:
- Chambers (the ventricles)
- Seambi (atrial) left and right
- The main artery (truncus arteriosus) that came out of the ventricle and the aorta branches into two (left and right)
c.       images of the heart and name the parts mentioned above (figure 3 tasks).
3.      Observation of the respiratory system
a.       Note the right of the left heart and stomach, protruding parts of the lungs.
b.      Lemonade with a straw inserted in the hole ends larynx (open mouth), inflatable base slowly, it will inflate the lungs. observe the shape and color of the lungs, blood vessels in the lungs.
c.       Remove the heart with scissors, so look windpipe (trachea).
4.      Observation excretion and reproductive systems
a.       Release the digestive organs, from the stomach to the rectum, and mesentrium (connective tissue) that holds.
b.      Would seem a pair of oval kidney attached to the back of the abdomen. further notice:
ü  Kidney with adrenal gland (white line)
ü  Body fat (corpus adiposum) yellow tufted
ü  Channel kidney (ureters) from the kidney to the bladder.
c.       The male frog is also called the ureter Uros permaticus ductus.
testes is adjacent to the kidney, a smaller circular relating to the kidney through the vas deferens
d.      the female frog, there is a pair of ovaries on the left and right. lift slightly ovary, will appear oviduct of meandering channel white, leads to the cloaca is the tip of the funnel (os) is near the heart.
e.       create a picture of urgonetalia katal system. give the name of the parts (5 pictures task, male or female genitals)


A.    Observation Result
1.      Observation morfology of the frog

1.      Mouth pouch (pouch oris)
2.      Nostrils (External Nares)
3.      Mata (Orbita)
4.      Membranes sleep (Niktitans membrane)
5.      Membrane listener (Tympani membrane)
6.      Palm of the hand (Manus)
7.      Fingers (digiti)
8.      Forearm (Ante branchium)
9.      Upper arm (Branchium)
10.  Thigh (Femur)
11.  Calf (tibia fibula)
12.  Toes (digiti)
13.  Membrane pool
14.  Soles of the feet (Pes)
15.  Cloaca
16.  Dorsal
17.  ventral

Figure Of mouth (cavum oris)

1.      Nostril (nares externa)
2.      Membranes sleep (niktitans membrane)
3.      The eyelid
4.      Hole into the esophagus
5.      Glottis
6.      Linguala
7.      Votes in his pocket hole
8.      Holes into the channel extachian
9.      Gigi vomerin
10.  Neres internal
11.  Gigi maxilaris

Anatomy of frogs

1.      Blood vessels
2.      Heart (cardiac)
3.      The lungs (pulmo)
4.      Bile (vesica seminal)
5.      Cloaca
6.      Salura eggs
7.      Large intestine (intestinum crassum)
8.      Small intestine (intestinum tenne)
9.      Stomach (ventrikulum)
10.  Liver (liver)

Digestive system

1.      Throat (esophagus)
2.      Bile (vesica seminal)
3.      Stomach (pentrikulum)
4.      Small intestine (intetinum tenne)
5.      Large intestine (intestinum crassum)
6.      Rectum
7.      Liver (liver)
8.      Cloaca
9.      Anus
10.  Vesica felea

Respiratory system

1.      Larynx
2.      Trachea
3.      Bronchus
4.      Bronchiulus
5.      Alveolar
6.      Right pulmo
7.      Left pulmo

Circulation system

1.      Aorta
2.      Trunkus Arteriosus
3.      Atrium dextrum
4.      Ventruclum
5.      Atrium sinistrum

System of Urogenitalia (male)

1.      Body fat (corpus adiposum)
2.      Vas deferens
3.      Testis
4.      Renal (ren)
5.      Ureter
6.      Bladder
7.      Cloaca

System of urogenitalia frog female

1.      Tuba abdomnalis
2.      Body fat (corpus adiposum)
3.      Oviduct
4.      Renal (ren)
5.      Ureter
6.      Uterus
7.      Bladder

B.     Discussion
1.      The morphology of Rana Cancarivora
a.       The mount is located in the edge of head interior, has large structure.
b.      There are two types of noastril which connected the cavum oris, it is located in the edge part.
c.       There is a cople of eyes, it protected of two skin that can not moved.
d.      Nictitans membrane, its can moved up and down to protect the eyes when swim.
e.       Cloaca is a hole which located in the edge as the digestion channel.
f.       The back part consist of:
·         Femur
·         Crush
·         Pes
·         Digity
·         Membrane
g.      The front part consist of:
·         Brancium
·         Ante brancium
·         Manus
·         Digity
h.      The skin suface is always wet, because it has smooth and souply. Its skin is dark it eased by the spereading of pigment and chromatophora.
2.      The digestive system of Rana Cancarivora
a.       In the front mouth there is maxilaris teeth and in the cavum oris there is denta vomerin which has function to defense the food.
b.      The tongue has branch in the basic anterior mouth. In its surface there is a taster and papile that layered by mucus.
c.       The hepar consist of three lobuses, two are located in right side, and one is located in the left part.
d.      Crop, is a located in the left from body hollow and its thick, the front part is connected to the eshopagus.
e.       Pancreas,  it is located among the ventralis and duodenum, it has function to sent the food into the crop the rectum.
f.       Rectum is connected to the cloaca.
g.      Cloaca is a hollow as te digestive channel.
3.      The respiratory system of Rana Carcarivora.
a.       Throat, it is a channel of air which come into the mouth hollow.
b.      Trachea, it is located in throath and lung.
c.        Lung, it is an important organ in respiratory system, it is circle long and has reddish.
4.      The sirculatory of Rana Carcarivora
a.       Ventricle, just one and three is a caudal atrium and has a lighter color.
b.      Atrium, consist of two part, it is separated septumaptorium.
c.       Truncu, arterious, branch of artery which out from the heart.

5.      Observation of the reproductive system (urogenitalia)
1.      The male frog
Urogenitalia system consists of a male frog testis pair yellow oval. is adjacent to the anterior kidney. krania adjacent to the testes are attached tassels and fine lines, called the vas deferens. the end of the ureter have an enlarged later called vesicula seminal sperm as temporary shelters.
2.      The female frog
Urogentalia system in which a female frog ovary attached to a pair of dorsal part of the hanger ceolom called mesovarium. the frog adult females have ovaries that sometimes black with white spots. the female frog oviduct is also a channel with a meandering open end. the frog was an adult female ovary sometimes there is black on the posterior side of this channel widening with thin walls, sometimes dankadang this channel widening with thin walls and are sometimes called uterine tract. next ovum to the cloaca


A.                Conclusion
        According to this observation we can conclude that know the structure, color and the organ passion and connective to the other organ of Rana Carcarivora.
Rana Carcarivora has some hollow system, such as:
1.      Digestive system, start from the mouth – throath – lung – cloaca.
2.      Respiration system, start from the nose – laring – trachea – lung.
3.      Circulatory system, it is started from the heart and blood vessel.
4.      Exrectory system, consist of gland which has function to exit the metabolism excess.

B.     Suggestion
     1. To laboratory
We hope that the biology laboratory of UNM pay attention to the cleanliness in laboratory.
2.      To assistant
We hope the assistant will give us good guidance.
3.      To Practicant
We hope that the practicant can observe the organ carefully, in order that can get the true picture. 


Anonim. 2010. Kodok dan katak.(http://id. dan kata)                                                                                   Accessed on November 21th2010
Nasir mochamad. 1994. Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Umum. Jakarta: DPDK
Jasin, maskuri. 1992. Zoologi Vertebrata. Surabaya: Sinar wijaya
Radiopetro. 1991. Zoologi. Jakarta: Erlangga
Tim Pengajar . 2010. Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Umum. Makassar:  Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM



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