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Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology

Biology has a specific branch of science and the study of increasingly specific to facilitate the way the lesson that, given the generally someone is only able to explore one of the branches of science. The branch is the branch of biology include:
1. Anatomy: the study about the structure of the body parts in living things
2. Agronomy: the study of plant cultivation
3. Andrology: the study about the kinds of hormones and reproductive abnormalities in men
4. Algologi: the study of algae/algae
5. Botany: the study of plants
6. Bacteriology: the study of bacteria
7. Molecular Biology: the study of the study of biology at a molecular level
8. Biotechnology: the study about the usage of the application of biological integrated process that includes prosesbiokimia, microbiology, chemical engineering for thefood and the improvement of human welfare.
9. Bryologi, the study of mosses
10. Cardiology, learn about the science of the heart and blood vessels
11. Dendrologi, the study of trees or other woody plants, such as liana
12. Ecology: the study of the relationship of reciprocity between living things with the environment
13. Embryology: the study about the development of the embryo
14. Entomology: the study of insects
15. Enzimologi: the study of enzyme
16. Evolution: the study about the change of the structure of tubuh makhluk life slowly in a long time
17. Epidemiology: the study of the transmission of the disease
18. Eugenics: the study on the law of inheritance
19. Endocrinology: the study of hormones
20. Enzimologi: the study of enzim Fisiologi: the study about faal (work function) the organs of the body
21. Physiology, the study of the body's work function/faal
22. Physiotherapy: the study on the treatment of terhadappenderita who suffered paralysis or muscle disorders
23. Pharmacology: the study of drug-obatan Genetika: the study about inheritance
24. Genetics, the study of inheritance
25. Histology: the study of tissues
26. Hygiene: the study about the health care of living things
27. Harpetologi, the study of reptiles/snakes
28. Immunology: the study of the immune system (immune) body
29. Ichtiologi: the study of fish
30. Karsinologi: the study of crustaceans
31. Climatology: the study about climate
32. Limnology: the study about the waters flow
33. Mammalogy, the study of mammals
34. Mycology, the study of fungi
35. Microbiology: the study of microorganisms
36. Malacology: the study of molluscs
37. Morphology: the study of the form or luar organisme
38. Mycology: the study of fungi
39. Neurology, Science dealing with irregularities in the nervous system
40. Nematologi, the study of nematodes
41. Organologi: the study of organs
42. Oncology, the study of cancer and ways of prevention
43. Onthogeni: the study on the development of living things of the Zygote into adulthood
44. Ornithology: the study about birds
45. Phylogeni: the study on the development of makhluk hidup
46. Pathology: the study about the disease and its influence to human
47. Palaentologi: the study of fossils
48. Paleobotani, the study of ancient plants
49. Paleozoology, the study of ancient animals
50. Parasitology: the study of parasitic creatures
51. Protozoologi: the study of Protozoa
52. Primatologi, the study of primates
53. Pulmonology, the study of the lung
54. the science of Radiology, to see the inside of the human body using a steady stream of good waves, radiation or electromagnetic waves or Wave mechanics
55. Genetic engineering, the study of the nature of the genetic manipulation
56. Sanitation: the study about environmental health
57. Cytology: the study of cells
58. Taxonomy: the study about classification of living things
59. Teratologi: the study of defects of the fetus in the womb
60. Virology: the study of viruses

* Biology turned out in detail have so many branches of science that all of that was intended to be more detailed in its mastery. to understand why such a large number could appear above the branch of science can be analyzed from the study of the biology behind their Object.
* Biology of Greece, namely the bio means life and logos meaning science. Thus, biology is defined as the study of life and living. The object of biology is all living things, from the level of atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, individuals, populations, ecosystems, to biomes.
* At the level of molecular biology, the study of the structure and characteristics of various kinds of molecules that play a role in the reaction of the preparation and demolition. These molecules are interconnected in forming cells. Cells composing tissues and join multiple networks composing the organ. Organ systems join drafting body living creature (individual).
* Each individual interconnected to form a group of similar individuals referred to the population. A group of populations that are interconnected with one another will establish the community. Community environmental abiotic component composing ecosystem. Combined various ecosystems will form a biomes. Antar bioma relations in the surface of the Earth will make up the biosphere.

According to Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS), biology has the object in the form of kingdom (Kingdom of the), namely:
1. Monera
2. Protists
3. Fungi
4. Plantae
5. Animalia (animals),

The number of biological material that looks like it will be studied later, then it will be good little by little understood in advance of the term/basic biological material which is customarily worn that whenever appears in various writings. Please read and understand the new tradition and dimengerti

1. Unicellular organism is unicellular and cannot be seen directly. We can see it with a microscope. Life functions carried out by the constituent parts of the cell itself.

2. Multi cellular multi cellular living things is, it can be seen directly without the aid of a microscope, and her body has experienced the Division of tasks is good.

3. is a Eukaryotic organism that has cell nucleus membranes so that the cell nucleus is not mixed with cytoplasm (the fluid cells).

4. Prokaryotic is a living creature that does not yet have a membrane cell nucleus so the ingredients mixed with the cell nucleus cytoplasm.

5. Heterotrophic is a living being who takes the organic materials of living creatures and can not form the organic material itself.

6. is Autotroph a living thing that can provide its own organic material through the process of photosynthesis. A living being is characterized by the presence of chlorophyll or the ability to elaborate on chemicals as energy in the formation of organic materials.
Biology as the science of  part is a set of concepts, principles, laws, and theories that formed through a series of scientific activities.

A knowledge can be referred to as a science if qualified or characteristics as follows.

1. Has the object of study of a science must have the object of study of mathematical sciences, the example has the object of study in the form of numbers, the science of chemistry has the object of study in the form of substances and their nature.

2. have a method of Development of science cannot be done in a random, but using a certain method or manner. The method used is raw and can be done by anyone.

3. The systematic Nature in biology, if we are going to learn about cells, then the material learned need to have the support of other materials, e.g. about networking, organs, organ systems, and individuals. And vice versa, so that the knowledge-knowledge that is not contradictory. The systematic nature of science is that a relationship of dependency should have knowledge and regularly, there should be no elements that are mutually contradictory.

4. Sifatnya Universal the truth of the science presented by science must apply generally.

5. The objective nature of A science must describe the circumstances are what they are, that contains the actual data and statements (are honest), free from prejudice, interest, or personal favorites.

6. Sifatnya Analisis a Study of science can be divided into more detailed parts in order to understand the various relationships, nature, and the role of the parts.

7. Are Verifikatif a science lead to the achievement of a truth. For example, the theory of Generatio Spontanea, stating that living beings originated from inanimate objects that are already believed to be the truth, but eventually was dismissed that theory with the theory of Biogenesis,, stating that living creatures came from living things as well. Finally this theory is believed to be the truth until now.


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