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Six Kingdom Classification System (According to Woese 1977)

Six Kingdom Classification System (According to Woese 1977)
Sunday, May 7, 2017

Initially the experts only classify living things into two kingdoms, namely the kingdom of plants and animal kingdom. The foundations of experts classify living things into two kingdoms:
The fact that plant cell cells have cell walls composed of cellulose. Plants have chlorophyll so they can make their own food through the process of photosynthesis and can not move and animals do not have cell walls while animals can not make their own food, and can generally migrate.
But there are plants that can not make their own food, the fungus (fungi). Means, different plants with mushrooms then taxonomists then classify living things into three groups, namely Plantae (plant), Fungi (mushrooms), and Animalia (animals).
After the experts know the structure of the cell (the composition of the cell) to be sure, living things are grouped into four kingdoms, namely Prokaryotes, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia, This grouping is based on the presence or absence of cell nuclear membrane. Cells that have a nuclear membrane are called eukaryotic cells, cells that have no nuclear membrane are called prokaryotic cells.
In 1969 Robert H. Whittaker classified living beings into five kingdoms, Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. This grouping is based on the arrangement of cells, the way living things meet their food, and the level of living things. However, this system is then changed by splitting the kingdom monera into kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria.

Explanation of Classification System of Living Beings Six Kingdoms:

Kingdom Eubacteria
The creatures of living in the Kingdom Eubacteria are single cell (unicellular). Living creatures included in the Eubacteria kingdom have prokaryotic cells (simple cells that do not have capsules as their outermost layers and cell walls inside). Eubacteria are also known as bacteria.
Kingdom Archaebacteria
In 1977 a microbiologist named Carl Woese and other researchers from the University of Illinois discovered a group of bacteria that had unique characteristics and different from other members of the Monera kingdom. The group is called Archaebacteria. Archaebacteria is closer to eukaryotic creatures than other bacteria that are prokraiot. This led to the creation of a kingdom classification system of the kingdom kingdom kingdom Archaebacteria of other members of the kingdom Monera which is called Eubacteria kemudaian. But until now recognized as a standard classification system is a system of Five Kingdom found by Whittaker.
Living things in Kingdom Archaebacteria are not much different from those in Kingdom Eubacteria because they were once a Kingdom. However Archaebacteria generally hold up in more extreme environments.

Kingdom Protista
Living things incorporated in the Protista kingdom have eukaryotic cells. Protista has a body composed of one cell or many cells but not differentiated. Protista generally has properties between animals and plants. This group consists of protists resembling plants (algae), Protista resembles a fungus, and Protista resembles an animal (Protozoa, Protos: first, zoa: animal). Protozoa has a classification based on its motion system, Flagellata / Mastigophora (whip hair, eg Euglena, Volvox, Noctiluca, Trypanosoma, and Trichomonas), Cilliata / Infusiora (shaking hair, Paramaecium example), Rhizopoda / Sarcodina (pseudo-feet, Amoeba example) , And Sporozoa (has no motion device, eg Plasmodium).
Kingdom Fungi (Mushroom)
Fungi have eukaryotic cells. Fungi can not make their own food. How to eat is heterotroph, which absorbs organic substances from the environment so that life is parasitic and saprofit. This group consists of all mushrooms, except slime mold (Myxomycota) and water fungi (Oomycota). Some class groups include:

A. Class Myxomycetes (mushroom lendes) example of his Physarum policephalius.
B. Phycomycetes class (algae fungi) for example the mushroom tempe (Rhizopus oryzae, mucor mue)

Kingdom Plantae (Plants)
The plant consists of moss plants (Bryophyta), nail plants (Pteridophyta), open seed plants (Gymnospermae), and enclosed seed plants (Angiospermae).
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Animals have eukaryotic cells. Its body is composed of many cells that have differentiated form a network. Animals can not make their own food so it is heterotrophic. This group consists of all animals, ie vertebrate animals (invertebrates / invertebrates) and vertebrates (vertebrates).


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